Saturday, September 9, 2017

Evaluating a Business Idea -

Part of evaluating a business idea is deciding if the business is something that you truly want
to do. Do you have a passion for it? There are many important factors to consider when you evaluate a business idea but if you can say that you may not really enjoy the work long term it may affect your motivation as time goes by. Running a business can take up a huge amount of your time and if you are enjoying your job it will be more than just a source of income. Just be careful not to let your passion make you too optimistic. It is still very important to have a strong plan before you jump in because someone else may not love your ideas as much as you do.
My biggest concern as a mother is how what I do will affect my children and my time with my family. I want to have my cake and eat it too. I chose to work at home so that I can be close to my children and have them with me most of the time. This is what works for me but may not work for everyone and every business. When we work in any area we have to be aware of what is important to others. We look at what other people need and want when we are deciding if a venture will work. Will this be important to the customer and will it be competitive with others offering similar products or services? Do not forget to ask yourself in all this what matters to you and what is important and functional for your family.

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