Saturday, September 23, 2017

Customers Want Value


Value is defined as fair return in goods or services for something exchanged such as money.

When a customer uses your services or buys your products they are giving you their time and their money. It has taken them time to earn the money that they are spending with you. They are spending their time purchasing your product or using your service instead of someone else's. Are you giving them a fair return. Customers want to feel like you value their business.

People want to feel liked and listened to. Calling someone by name is a simple way to make them feel important. Asking questions about them and showing genuine empathy shows them you care. We all have bad days but as a professional we have to control our attitude. If I feel like someone does not have a good attitude with me I will spend my time and money somewhere else. Even if it costs me a little more time or money.

Can your customer trust you? If you are unreachable then you will be seen as unreliable. If I need to make an appointment with someone and I get no response then I do not feel like my business is valuable and I will move on to someone that has time to work with me. Being knowledgeable is also important if you want to be trusted in business. The more you know the more valuable you are and the better return your customers will be getting from you.

Doesn't the golden rule state that we should treat others as we would like to be treated? Value your customer's business like you would like yours to be valued. Go that extra step to make others feel important.

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